Alameda Southridge Owners Association

Alameda Southridge Owners Association

Community Rules

These basic guidelines are intended to provide owners/residents with the more substantive articles identified in the CC&Rs and By-laws.  If a conflict appears between the topics below and the comparable statement in the CC&Rs and By-laws, the primary documents shall prevail.

Association Fees

ASOA fees are determined by the Board of Directors with subsequent approval of the budget by the community at the annual meeting in November.  Invoices for the annual fees are sent at the beginning of the year.  

An owner may choose to pay in quarterly installments, but no discount will be given and no additional reminder invoices will be mailed.  The due dates for quarterly payments are 2/28 (in a leap year 2/29), 4/01, 7/01, and 10/01.  A $20 late fee will be applied if the installment payment is not received within 15 days of the due date.

If ASOA gives written notice to the owner of a delinquency in the assessment and it is not paid within 30 days of such notification, then ASOA will record in the County Clerk's office a notice of the Associations Claim of a lien against the owner's property for the amount owed to ASOA, plus administrative and filing costs.

Common Areas

The common areas include the drainage weirs, cul-de-sac roundabouts, the land between the rock wall and street along Pinnacle View, painted metal fence itself and the portion along Paseo de Onate which falls within the limits of our community.  All of the plants, trees, grounds cover, rocks, watering systems and light fixtures within these areas are maintained through the ASOA fees.  Since these are common areas and they belong to ASOA, they may not be used for personal use.  Vehicles are not to be parked in these areas and nothing is to be removed, nor disturbed, that is fixed within the area.  Damage to plants, trees and watering systems is expensive and damages specifically caused from owner neglect or intrusion will be charged to the offending property owner.

Vehicle Parking

Long term parking on the road is prohibited.  Residents must remember that the road network within the community is somewhat narrow and not designed for long-term vehicle parking.  Of paramount concern to all is Emergency Vehicle egress.  On occasion, fire trucks will come through the area to check out roads and accessibility.  Vehicles may not be parked, nor driven, in the weirs, unpaved common ground property, or in yards.  

Long term parking of boats, trailers, motor homes, etc. within the community is strictly prohibited.  Reasonable time is naturally afforded for trip preparation, etc.; however, such parking should not exceed 48 hours.  Whenever such temporary parking occurs, the owner will ensure the vehicle does not restrict access nor impede traffic or pedestrian flow.

Vehicle Storage

Outside open storage of any vehicle, trailer, wagon, etc., is not permitted.  Such vehicles may be stored at local facilities, but not within the community.

Trash Cans and other items

Outside open storage of boxes, furniture, etc. is prohibited.  Trash cans are to be removed from the street on the day the trash is collected and stored out of view from the street.

Residential Additions or Additional Structures

The property owner shall submit plans to ASOA Manager for review and approval by the Planning Committee of any additional improvements to the property.  The placement or construction of outside storage structures is not permitted unless said structures are hidden from street view and meet design standards.

Towers, Satellite Dishes and Antennae

Radio towers, antennae and other large objects are strictly prohibited and will not be constructed on resident grounds or buildings.  Smaller satellite dishes are acceptable provided the dish is placed in a location not visible from the street.

Property Maintenance

Owners are to maintain their homes and grounds.  Exterior house maintenance is critical to overall aesthetics and value of the neighborhood.  Owners shall not allow their properties to fall into disrepair through neglect or deferred maintenance.

Grass is to be mowed and maintained for appearance.  Plants and trees are to be pruned to promote a healthy shape and limit liability.  Dead or diseased plants are to be trimmed out or removed.  Plants and branches should not encroach on sidewalks.  Corner lots need to be especially careful not to let plant growth interfere with a driver's line of sight while using a street intersection.  

Owners not complying with property maintenance will be notified.  If neither response, nor corrective action, is offered the maintenance will be accomplished by local contractors and billed to the resident.

Pet Ownership

Pet owners are expected to respect their neighbors and the community.  All pets must be under their owner's control at all times.  When going for walks, pets are to be on leash and not running freely.  Pet droppings are to be picked up and not left behind.  Excessive barking is not allowed.  Problems with pets are expected to be resolved immediately when identified to the owner.  If problems cannot be corrected, then Animal Control should be called.  Pets permitted within the community include dogs and cats.  Livestock, large animals, poultry, etc. are not permitted on an owner's parcel.  Owners are expected to possess no more pets than allowed by city ordinance.

Noise and Nuisance Behavior

All residents in the community have a right to quiet enjoyment of their homes.  Excessive noise, nuisance or threatening behaviors are inappropriate and undesirable.  No resident is required to accept disrespectful behavior of any type, form or manner.  Negative behaviors reflect poorly on the owner and are damaging to the principles of the community.  If problems occur, the police should be called if the problem cannot be resolved.

Fine Schedule for Violations

  • Lack of landscape maintenance
  • Storage of inappropriate items and trash cans in front of the home
  • Trailers, campers, boats, oversized vehicles stored on property
  • Inappropriate satellite dishes, radio towers, antennae
  • Deferred maintenance on a home
  • Keeping disapproved animals and lack of pet oversight
  • Excessive noise, or abusive or threatening behavior towards others
  • *Construction of additions to home without approval

$100 After property owner is notified of the problem and takes no corrective action in 10 days

$250 After 30 days with no corrective action

$375 After 60 days with no corrective action

*$500 for permanent real estate construction that changes the footprint of the property without design approval