Alameda Southridge Owners Association

Alameda Southridge Owners Association

Welcome to the Alameda Southridge I Owners Association website.

The Alameda Southridge community was developed in the early 1990s as a lushly landscaped award-winning community.  Throughout the years it has been highly maintained and ranks as one of the most beautiful and desirable communities in the city of Las Cruces.  The common areas maintained by the association have a variety of trees and flowering shrubs, with a system of weirs to capture stormwater runoff.  The Alameda Southridge community is owner-friendly with covenants that make sense for everyone.

Anyone selling their property in the community must provide their buyer with an HOA Disclosure Certificate in advance of the closing date.  These must be requested by the HOA Manager and paid for by the Seller before one will be provided.

Anyone wishing to make renovations or additions to their property must submit their plans and explanation of the scope of work for approval before the start of the work.  Email all documents to

Mailing address:  Alameda Southridge Owners Association, PO Box 16381, Las Cruces, NM 88004

Board of Directors 2024:
Officer/President:  Gary Goodrich
Officer/Vice President:  Kieran Ryan
Officer/Treasurer:  Mark Kaczmarek
Officer/Secretary:  Brenda Crook
Member:  Janet Flores
Committees 2024:
Flag Committee Chair:  Kyle Moberly
Neighborhood Watch/Security Chair:  Janet Flores and Jeff Schwehn
Landscape Chair:  Wade Echtenkamp
Welcome Committee Chair:  Janet Flores
City Agreement Chair:  Kyle Moberly
CCR/Community Rules Chair:  Kyle Moberly
Architectural Review Chair:  Ron Di Piazzo
The annual fees for 2024 are $600 and are due if paid in full by the last day of February.  For owners who prefer to pay quarterly installments of $150 due by 2/29, 4/01, 7/01, 10/01.  A late fee of $20 to be applied on 3/15, 4/16, 7/16, 10/16.
HOA Disclosure Certificate, $108.06
HOA Owner Transfer, $104.03
CCR Violation 1st offense - $100
CCR Violation 2nd offense - $250
CCR Violation 3rd offense - $375
CCR Violation for improvements made to home without architectural committee review - $500
HOA Management by:
Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments, LLC
1990 E Lohman Avenue
Las Cruces, NM 88001